Kentucky Medical Cannabis Healthcare Subcommittee Votes to Add Conditions
November 28th, 2023, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Healthcare Subcommittee met over Zoom and discussed proposed changes to the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program, and Bluegrass Cannabis attended! Specifically, the discussion focused on what conditions, if any, should be added to SB-47, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Bill passed this spring.

Kentucky Moms for Medical Cannabis had organized a letter from 29 Individuals with conditions covered by the Governor’s Executive Order who would be impacted, and multiple groups, Including Bluegrass Cannabis, as well as Kentucky NORML and The Revolution Kentucky.
The changes proposed by Kentucky Moms were to add the qualifying conditions from the Governor’s Executive Order, to the list of conditions acceptable for a medical cannabis patient under SB-47. While Governor Beshear’s Executive covered 21 qualifying conditions, SB-47 only covers 6 as of right now:
Any type or form of cancer;
Chronic severe, intractable, or debilitating pain;
Epilepsy or any other intractable seizure disorder;
Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity;
Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting;
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
This would allow the following 15 additional conditions to be added to the list of qualifying conditions:
ALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Crohn’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome
Severe Arthritis
Hepatits C
Muscular Dystrophy
Huntington’s Disease
Terminal Illnesses.
In the presentation, it was noted that making these changes would provide relief for hundreds of thousands of currently diagnosed Medical patients in Kentucky, not to mention patients yet undiagnosed as well.

At the end of the meeting, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Subcommittee Committee Votes and decided to pass on a recommendation to the main committee that these qualifying conditions be added to SB-47, and approved for Medical Cannabis Patients. While this doesn't mean that the conditions are officially added, it is a positive step towards the Medical Cannabis Committee approving the addition of these conditions.
If you would like to see these conditions added to SB-47, and to help Kentucky Medical Patients, visit the Kentucky Medcann Website Here, and fill out a response stating that you support syncing SB-47’s qualifying conditions with the Governor’s Executive Order.
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